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Cruise Ship Jobs - Gift Shop Department Jobs. Shop Manager,
Shop Assistant (Sales Associate) Jobs

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The Gift Shop Department on a cruise ship offers the following jobs: gift shop manager, assistant gift shop manager, shop assistant / gift shop sales associate. The gift shop personnel are responsible for the running of the on board shops, which generally consist of a boutique, a cosmetic and fragrance counter, and a souvenir and gift shop. Concessionaire companies who hire applicants with experience in retail, sales, and customer service run most of the shops. Some cruise lines operate their Gift Shop departments themselves and do not us the services of consessions.
Gift Shops Manager (oversees entire gift shop operations, accounting and manages retail staff) - retail and managerial experience required. Salary range: $2500-3100 U.S. per month, depending on commission.
Assistant Gift Shops Manager (oversees the day to day operations and assists in managing the retail staff) - retail and managerial experience required. Salary range: $1800-2300 U.S. per month, depending on commission. Possibilities for promotion to Gift Shop Manager.
Shop Assistant / Gift Shop Sales Associate - some retail experience preferred. Fluent English Language required. Salary range: $1600-2000 U.S. per month, depending on commission. possibilities for promotion to Assistant Gift Shop Manager.